Okay, you have to admit there is absolutely no comparison!!! I love my new kitchen. Shannon put the cupboards in and the countertop. I love it, love it, love it! He is amazing. He can do anything....well almost anything. He did an awesome job. We aren't quite done yet, have a bit of trim left which is going to be the hardest of all, and a bit of decorating and tada!
There is absolutely no comparison, especially cause you know the insides are just as wonderful. Can't wait to see the decoration that you do, such a marvelous seamtress. The topper the greenery. It is sooooo cool to pick out the colouts and styles that are all your own.
I told you I didn't want to see pictures but wanted to see it first hand, and then I had to go and look at your stupid blog! Seriously though, beautiful. I also notice the wonderfully UNCLUTTERED countertops and CLUTTERED fridge! Your fridge looks like mine, full of little kids drawings, etc!
Hi Laura--- you thoughtI would never comment, but here i am, luv the new kitchen good job Shannon. Also cute pic's of the girls sitting. Loo forward to the finished scrap page Lorraine
Laura, it's AWESOME! Good colours - very warm - very bistro-like - kudos to Shannon for a great installation job too! - Helen (who finally figured out how to post a comment)
Hey Laura & Shannon, Awesome job! Your kitchen looks so nice, especially the new part where the microwave is. Very, very nice! Love you guys, Denise & Doug
Hi Laura, I love the new kitchen. Shannon did an awesome job of the installation, looks professionally done. Love the paint color on the walls, looks similar to what I painted in our home. Who built the cupboards? Carla
They were a small chinese family owned business just off 20th street. Our real estate agent (who used to build houses and in fact just built his house this past year) recommended them to us. We not only had them on time, but a week early and that amazed me because of the housing boom here in the city. They were cheaper than other places too. I highly recommend them. They helped me to design my addition and everything. I got my countertop from them also. I took pictures of my kitchen in to the shop and Shannon measured everything. Give me a call sometime and I'll try and get you the phone number etc.
My burgandy wall is going to be painted chocolate in the spring. Yah! It was supposed to be done by now, but we ran out of time.
Your kitchen looks wonderful. I can't wait til the day we have our own house to do stuff like that. Enjoy it!!
There is absolutely no comparison, especially cause you know the insides are just as wonderful. Can't wait to see the decoration that you do, such a marvelous seamtress. The topper the greenery. It is sooooo cool to pick out the colouts and styles that are all your own.
Cough, cough that shoud be colours. And looking some more I really like the paint colour. More and more each time I look at it. Good choice.
WOWSERS!! Talk about a makeover. Looks fantastic and I love the colour of the walls too! Beautiful cupboards!
I told you I didn't want to see pictures but wanted to see it first hand, and then I had to go and look at your stupid blog! Seriously though, beautiful. I also notice the wonderfully UNCLUTTERED countertops and CLUTTERED fridge! Your fridge looks like mine, full of little kids drawings, etc!
Still love me? Couldn't resist.
Hi Laura--- you thoughtI would never comment, but here i am, luv the new kitchen good job Shannon. Also cute pic's of the girls sitting. Loo forward to the finished scrap page Lorraine
LOVE it - what a difference!!
it's AWESOME! Good colours - very warm - very bistro-like - kudos to Shannon for a great installation job too!
- Helen (who finally figured out how to post a comment)
where'd the pictures of the kids go?
Hey Laura & Shannon,
Awesome job! Your kitchen looks so nice, especially the new part where the microwave is. Very, very nice!
Love you guys, Denise & Doug
I love the new kitchen!
i think we have the same countertop!
great to see the before and after photos!
Hi Laura, I love the new kitchen. Shannon did an awesome job of the installation, looks professionally done. Love the paint color on the walls, looks similar to what I painted in our home. Who built the cupboards?
They were a small chinese family owned business just off 20th street. Our real estate agent (who used to build houses and in fact just built his house this past year) recommended them to us. We not only had them on time, but a week early and that amazed me because of the housing boom here in the city. They were cheaper than other places too. I highly recommend them. They helped me to design my addition and everything. I got my countertop from them also. I took pictures of my kitchen in to the shop and Shannon measured everything. Give me a call sometime and I'll try and get you the phone number etc.
My burgandy wall is going to be painted chocolate in the spring. Yah! It was supposed to be done by now, but we ran out of time.