Okay, so here is one of my first pages I ever scrapbooked. Pretty "scary". Actually, we had a good chuckle today at the store. But in all self defence, I had never taken a Basics class. Had to have every one of those decorative scissors. At least I used the" bat cut" edge around my pictures. I was being consistant. lol Anyway, everyone is welcome to comment on it, I think I get the prize for sticker sneezing. I even put one on the tombstone!
Now this page I finished last night. When you look at these two pages, it makes me realize that I have grown and I am creative. I do have to work at it, I may not be as natural at it as some but the creativity is there. Just giving myself a self-confidence boost. Anyone who knows me well knows I am my worst critic. This page came together yesterday so easy and I did not scraplift any of it. For me, that is big. It is one of my pages that I am totally pleased with.
Your "totally sweet " layout is absolutely stunning!
Thanks Rina for the compliment. It helps when my niece is gorgeous,too!
Love them both Laura - the first one for the laughs and the second for the creativity and as you know I am going to totally lift it!
Of course your creative Laura! You dont give yourself near as much credit as you deserve. I love your new layout of Hannah, its perfect!
much improved I must say
I'm still laughing at the spider.hehehehehehehehh I had to come back for another look! hahahahahahah
I love this layout Laura
I think this LO is really cute Laura and totally original - that's what you were going for, right?
I love this Hannah layout. It is beautiful
Tracey B
Love this Laura! I totally might have to remember it somewhere in the future - if I ever get back to scrapbooking.
Karen (you know who I am!)
This is bad! Do you know how many Karen's I know? Can I have a hint? Did you move here from another country? If I am wrong, you are not going to let me live it down! That's the hazard of working in retail. Let me know if I got it right...please!!!
Didn't you click on my user name? Where do you end up? On the blog of a Canadian? - I don't think so!
Who else would be so cheeky!
Okay, duh! So I didn't think to check your blog. I won't make that mistake twice. Actually, the cheekiness (if that is a word) is what made me think of you...ha! ha! ha! Have to admit that was quite a "blonde" moment for me. I had a good chuckle over that one. Good thing I can laugh at myself, because I'm sure I'll be hearing about it from customers in the store who read my blog!
As usual my dear friend you continue to amaze me with your work. You have matured beautifully from the little scrapper I met a few years ago.